Category Archives: General

Oh my! A paper by Anna!

The congratulations just keep on coming- now they are due to Anna and Rui Yan on their paper “State-dependent binding of cholesterol and an anionic lipid to the muscle-type Torpedo nicotinic acetylcholine receptor”, which is being published in Communications Biology – Nature.

Honestly, from what we could tell, the real hard work on this paper wasn’t the paper itself, it was uploading the simulation data to the paper’s database.

Hey! You! Get outta my swamp!

The Baenziger lab put on another fun show at the BMI/CMM Halloween costume contest, taking first place for a second year in a row, this time as Shrek! Everyone looked fantastic and did a great job getting into character, but to give credit where credit is due, the real MVP was the original resident of the swamp. Tough as nails, and the first character we see in the first scene in Shrek itself ….the outhouse door!

No pressure for next year…

Bon Voyage…everyone?

In the next few months we’ll be seeing Mack, Anna, and Dr Baenziger head off for various temporary stays in France. Anna will sharpen her computational skills, while Mack and Dr B (on a skill-sharpening sabbatical) will work on cryo-EM structures of the nAChR.

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